And to Dr. Kerry Booth, DDS, who gave me a “made in America” crown to replace my south of the border “especial” that “no el stayo” in my mouth. And to Kay in the office at Thousand Trails, Pio Pico, who not only recommended a good dentist, but actually got us in to see hers pronto. And to Kurt’s Camera Repair (Nikon factory authorized service) who got my lens fixed and my camera cleaned and ready to go in a day and a half instead of the week they thought they needed, so I could “shoot” San Diego with my big gun, instead of my point and shoot.
Thank you, one and all!
I try my level best to keep it positive. I do. I really do. But when the four girls at Lens Crafters who didn’t seem to be doing anything behind the counter except talking told me I would have to wait a whole 60 minutes for the “technicians” to change the silicon nose pads on my glasses, I guess I just didn’t feel very good about that. Especially since anyone can do it in about 60 seconds. And especially since they had just denied service to the customer before me who had her husband on the phone to authorize a credit card payment for lenses that they said “The home office says we can’t do….” Bull crackers! There’s a perfectly safe and effective way to take a credit card over the phone, as there is over the internet. Hey. It’s tough out there. Especially now. Take care of customers and keep business from walking out the door and it just might not be so tough. It’s not like you’re busy! There were two people in the entire mall (a slight exaggeration admittedly, but not by much) and you sent them both through the door with their wallets and their contents still in their pockets. I hope I don’t see your name on a list of companies looking for a federal bailout! Sheeze!
But OK, Wal-Mart to the rescue. Along the path of its development, Wal-Mart has realized that while good prices ARE important, nothing is as important as service. To that end, Wal-Mart Vision Center Manager and Certified Optician, Brett Strickland, took the time out of his busy day (and he actually WAS busy) to swap out the pads and clean my glasses up a bit for me. There was still a bunch of desert dust in every nook and cranny. The total time involved- a couple minutes. Total cost for parts and tax $2.04. No charge for labor. The store only made a few pennies if that on the transaction; but that’s not the point, is it? Good PR, happy customer, friendly service brings the customer back to your store and not to the competitor’s. So kudos to Wal-mart . I’ve been slow to come to their praise, but as we travel, we see more and more good service like this. One “Wally World” (as Rv’ers like to call them) we stopped at actually was trying a walk in health clinic for a few basic medical services at a cost geared so that anyone and everyone could and would use them rather than sit endlessly in the drone zone of some dimly lighted emergency room at the hospital waiting while you read the six year old magazine subscriptions on a topic you probably don’t care about in the first place. Think about it. Buy your groceries, get clothes for the kids, tires for your car, a big screen for the home theater, get your hair cut, your nails done, your eyes examined…now if they add a dentist to each store and take on walk in “cleanings”…, there are a whole bunch of businesses that better smarten up or Wal-mart will simply eat their lunch, if you get my drift. And oh by the way, most Wal-marts now have a snack bar or even a fast food restaurant inside the store. fyi....
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