Perhaps no other campground or state park anywhere has its very own aquarium! Key Largo does. There is a 30,000 gallon main tank and a number of smaller specialty tanks displaying what you might see if you snorkel or dive the Pennykamp reef. It's a terrific facility.
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Can you find the spiny lobster?

The beaches (there are quite a few different ones) are all beautiful and clean: Lagoon. Mangrove Tidal Creek. Ocean with Waves. Classic tropical beaches- all.

The marina offers snorkelling trips, rental equipment of all types, glass bottom boat, catamaran sails, dive excursions, kayaks and canoes- anything you could want.

A picture of chickens may not seem terribly special until you realize that in the Keys, the chickens are free range, and this trio was apparently going to the post office to take care of some holiday mail.

We had our very own little courtyard set up...

where Abby could enjoy munching on a bone...and keeping an eye on the "locals."

The mangrove trail opens to a tidal creek and I took this picture from the observation tower there.
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