Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Ole Chris said....

Here's the disclaimer: I said "Ole" Chris NOT "OLD" Chris. It wouldn't matter if I were talking about KRINGLE, but I'm not. I'm talking about "Ole Chris Guld", deliverer of blog knowledge to the universe of RV'ers, who once said to me when I said "If only I could put up ALL my pictures..."

"You can! Just use a slide show."

A little knowledge is said to be a dangerous thing, so I reckon I know just enough to be minimally dangerous. I just love my slide shows!

Now every year on the road so far, we (the three of us) donned our Santa hats and posed for our now annual Christmas photo for family, friends, and anyone else who will look at it. It's fun to do. Depending on where we are in any given year we get some pretty strange looks when we take them, but that's all part of the fun. No one is allowed to assist us. The photos are taken on a timer setting on the camera which is on a tripod. I roughly frame the shot, hit the magic timer and run like a reindeer to put myself in the shot. Sometimes I make it some times I don't. But back to "Ole Chris" for a minute.

What if people look at one shot and think, "Oh big deal, they took one holiday picture and I'm supposed to be impressed with that?"

So I got to thinking about those sage words of wisdom from that wise person of the keyboard and the motherboard and decided that this year, I would make a, you guessed it, slide show, to illustrate the work that goes into such a production. What trials and tribulations we go through so that we can send you our warmest seasons greetings and put our best faces on the card at the same time- all the while portraying where we are and what we are doing this year! It's the moral equivalent of the annual "form letter" that some like to mail out. But it's OUR VERSION and we don't care if you take it with a grain of salt or not. From our house (on wheels) to yours, where-ever you find yourself, a very Merry Christmas! And as this is my third post of the day....and to all a Good Night.


Lisa said...

This is so totally off-topic, but some time ago, you mentioned Marilyn's wonderful dessert called "Mississippi Swamp" or "Tennesse Mud" or some such thing. It's my job to bring dessert for New Year's Day. Might you convince her to share the recipe??? Please???

Chris Guld said...

As in 'Good Ole Chris' I hope! Cute pics - as always.
Check out my slide show for Jan 1 - you're in it ... I hesitated to include it, but it's a must-see. We're going to visit Peace River next week. We'll miss you.