Thursday, April 21, 2011

Blooming Thursday

In the beginning...............there was Happy Tuesday. Nearing the end of our season in the desert, we are declaring today to be Blooming Thursday. Taking it easy today. Laying low. Put in our hour long walk early today, then took a little bike ride around the park and into the desert to see what we could find blooming. Now nearly every species is sporting something in the way of some blooms. The saguaro are budding nicely but so far they are the primary holdout. They are often among the last to bloom anyhow, but this year they seem to be running even later than usual. With only a bit more than a week here, maybe they will bloom before we depart and maybe not. Hope so.

So here's what IS putting on the colorama for Blooming Thursday today.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

These are great pictures Greg. So beautiful and colorful. The desert is a fascinating place to live.