Sunday, April 19, 2009

Unanticipated Responses

Wow! I almost hate to put up a new post for fear that it will "change the subject" and make you all stop sending in those nickname suggestions. (I know that last one was from you, Anonymous Cosmic Ken- I recognized your "handwriting"...) We got a ton of suggestions, some through the comment section, some via e mail , some by phone, and even some "in person." I thought a few of the regulars might have something to say when I posed the question, but the response I got was truly unanticipated. Please, guys, DON'T STOP! Keep 'em coming. I haven't laughed this hard since I was a kid at Radio City Music Hall with my parents watching the Fred MacMurry FLUBBER movie....and that was a while ago. In fact it was so long ago that spell check doesn't recognize the word "flubber." Despite the excellent response, we still don't have a winner, so work it, work it.....

And speaking of unanticipated responses, Mike from Chicken Gold Camp sent me a photo with the caption of "Spring Kayaking" in Chicken. That put me in the frame of mind that the ice out was coming earlier than I thought it might, having no experience with that far north this early in the Spring. So the photo he sent (below) came as an interesting "Stimulus Package" for changing one's point of view. The photo does two things. One, it demonstrates that Mike is not without substantive photographic skills; ice and snow pics are not always very easy to get right. And two, his already wonderful sense of humor has apparently been elevated by a combination of extreme cold and cabin fever, both of which are obviously stimulative if properly channeled. It helps to take note of the "antifreeze" in the hand of the paddler, uh, shoveler. I hope you can see it OK as the image was sent fairly small and may not enlarge well with a "click on." Have a magnifying glass? It's so worth the effort! (Photo size improved after posting; click to enlarge)

photo courtesy Mike Busby, Chicken Gold Camp and Outpost

A big welcome goes out to new reader, Jeff, who writes (in the comments section of the Nickname Post) that he will be departing Cape Coral, Florida (small world- that was our last city of residence before becoming full timers) in a few days in the general direction of Alaska and hopefully more specifically to Chicken- which makes Jeff officially the first on the New 49ers. Congrats on that, Jeff!

And finally, I put the weather widget (down a bit on the left side of the blog page) onto the blog page as much for myself as anyone, since I wanted that one click does all daily reality check about temperatures at my chosen destination for this next trip: Chicken, Alaska. Much to my pleasant surprise, it seems readers are every bit as much into looking at the Chicken weather as I am, and in fact are clicking through to the feed site for more and more details about the daily dose of highs and lows in Chicken. Does anyone else appreciate that when readers click through to the RSS "feed" for weather in Chicken, Alaska, they are, in fact, clicking on "Chicken Feed" ?

Presently we are expecting to "launch" this parade on April 22, just a few days from now. We have so much excitement for this trip to get underway, that now we are fighting the temptation to start up the big diesel and let it idle for a couple days so it's all warmed up and ready to roll at the drop of a hat. Guess I better get a grip on that thought!

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