Key West Food Fest. I don't know if there really is such a thing. Fantasy Fest, yes. Fat Tuesday and Mardi Gras Wanna Be, yes. But Food Fest? Well, I just couldn't come up with much else to call it as we wrapped things up in the lowest of the Keys where food and The Cosmics converged to eat their way through the cold of this year's weirdest weather of all time. Cold? Gotta have calories to stay warm. So an evening visit to Benihanas Japanese Steak and Seafood House got things started with tableside preparation on the super hot Hibachi Grill. Breakfast at Tiffany's? Nope. Pepe's on Caroline is maybe the best breakfast in the world. Fresh squeezed orange juice starts everything else off just right. I caught a bunch of crabs in my trap off the end of our dock, so into the pot they went. Table for two seaside as Marilyn and Cosmic Bob ate the Blue Crabs and the Stone Crab Claws I was lucky enough to score on the last day I fished the trap. And if that wasn't enough, Bob made up a super batch of his outrageously delicious ribs on the grill. As you'll see in the slide show, the pelicans got into the act, as did the giant tarpon down at the Ships Wharf. Final farewells for now hugged out after dinner at the Stromboli Capitol of the World, the New York Pasta Garden off of Duval Square. I'm feeling full just recounting the feeding frenzy. Mighty tasty though, and not nearly as extreme as it sounds. In fact, it was pretty darn good!

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