Saturday, October 13, 2007

Pennsylvania Layover

This post is more about NOT traveling than it is a bout traveling. We had a two week layover in Pennsylvania to help out with family matters. Thousand Trails, Hershey is a beautiful place this time of year. The harvest time in Dutch country is something to celebrate for sure.We always try to visit as many of the local farmers markets as we can when time allows. Green Dragon is a perennial favorite, my family has been going there since I am knee high to a grasshopper....
Some cowboys brought their horses to TT for some riding action during the apple harvest festival at the campground. We had other places to be and things to do that day but took in some of the sights before we headed out for the day.
Thought this was a cool sign on the side of the horse trailer.
Dad was well enough to take a night out for dinner at the local family diner. On the right is our dear family friend Joan. My parents call her "Shep" (as in shepherd) and she has taken care of them in many cases when no one else could fill the bill. If everyone had a friend like her, the world would be a far better place. We are not related to her by blood, but by all other measures- she IS family.

We brought a package of "Chicken Feed" (gold concentrates ready to pan out - for my nephew Josh, who did a fine job recovering the treasure in the bag as he learned how to "pan."
Pennsylvania Dutch farmers have roadside stands everywhere along the route from TT to my parents house in Reading (about an hour drive each way each day) Their farms are still run by manual means and horses rather than mechanical devices like tractors. Their produce is simply sensational...
We also got in a couple visits with Aunt Dot, who's on the mend after a hip replacement surgery. She's always been a cool customer, but those shades? They are WAY COOL! That's my sister Barby on the right.
Next run- another mad dash back to Florida to get the house packed up and ready to sell. If that goes well, we will truly be full time travelers- a goal that took a little bit longer to realize than expected, but don't they all?????

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